A prominent mixed use commercial / residential property, of traditional brick construction. The property is arranged as retail on the ground floor with residential upper parts, with consultation rooms to the rear. There is an enclosed rear garden.
The property is fitted out with all amenities expected of its current uses as retail shop and flat. The shop and flat have separate access.
The property requires for some modernisation.
Business Rates
Interested parties are to make their own enquires of the Local Billing Authority. Elmbridge Borough Council.
The property has an established use as Chemist (GF) with residential upper parts. There is potential for extension to the rear, for the creation of additional’ accommodation STPP.
Lease particulars
The property is let on the terms of an effective FRI lease expiring 24/3/2022. The rent passing is £19,600 pa, exclusive. There is a rent review due to OMV on 25/3/2017. The tenant is PU Mangal Limited, with a guarantor from Mr Previn Mangal.
Offers for the freehold interest, subject to the existing tenancy are sought at £425,000 STC. VAT is payable on purchase price.
Each party to bear its own costs in relation the purchase.
Messrs’ Perry Hill for themselves and for the vendors of this property whose agents they are, give notice that (i) the particulars are produced in good faith, are set out as a general guide only and do not constitute any part of a contract;(ii) no person in the employment of Perry Hill Chartered Surveyors has any authority to make or give any representations.