Why You Should Get a Pre-Building Schedule of Condition Report Before Commencing Building Work

When carrying out construction work on your property, there’s always a risk of damage to a neighbour’s property – especially in terraced and semi-detached properties. To help reduce liability and scope for neighbour disputes, it’s well worth investing in a pre-building Schedule of Condition report before work starts.

What is a Schedule of Condition?

The Schedule of Condition is essentially a building survey, but one designed to record the condition and defects of an adjoining property. It’s a forensically detailed report (including photographs) itemising the full condition of the neighbouring property pre-works.

Why document the condition of your neighbour’s property?

Because it reduces your risk in the long term. For example, if your neighbour files a claim for damages resulting from your building works, you’ll have a complete, independent record of their property’s condition before work started, and this will help to determine whether their claim has any grounds.

What sort of construction work are we talking about?

At Perry Hill, we recommend getting a Schedule of Condition report in advance of any building project that might impact neighbouring properties. This may include a rear extension, structural alterations, loft conversion or basement conversion. The report can be used for both residential and commercial properties.

Investing in peace of mind

Construction work can be stressful and disruptive. If there’s one thing you don’t need on top of that upheaval, it’s a dispute with the people next door. For you and your neighbour, the Schedule of Condition report provides important reassurance, because both parties know there’s a factual record of the adjoining property’s condition before work started.

Then, when the construction work is finished, a further inspection can be carried out, checking off against the Schedule of Condition report and confirming whether any damage or issues have arisen as a result of the works. It’s a sensible way to maintain good neighbour relations before, during and after a building project.

To find out how a pre-building Schedule of Condition can help ensure your construction work is a success, talk to Perry Hill. Our team of chartered surveyors can carry out all kinds of building inspections and reports, and provide trusted advice on the best way forward for your property.

Why would a landlord issue a Schedule of Dilapidations?

It’s typical for a lease to set out certain obligations for the tenant in terms of keeping the property in a good state of repair. When a tenant is in breach of these requirements – perhaps by neglecting maintenance or misusing the property in some way – the landlord may issue a Schedule of Dilapidations.

What does the Schedule of Dilapidations cover?

In simple terms, the Schedule of Dilapidations is a document stating that the tenant has failed or is failing to repair/maintain the building. It will usually set out items of disrepair and what needs to be fixed; however, some Schedules of Dilapidations are more detailed than others, depending on whether they’re issued during the lease (known as an Interim Schedule of Dilapidations) near the end of the lease (Terminal Schedule of Dilapidations) or after the lease has expired (Final Schedule of Dilapidations).

A proactive approach to maintenance issues

As a landlord, why would you go to the trouble of issuing a Schedule of Dilapidations? The benefits are clear:

  • Maintenance issues can be flagged and addressed early, instead of letting problems get worse.
    The Schedule of Dilapidations requires the tenant to take action, thereby providing a clear, legal way forward.
  • It reduces the risk of financial loss and helps to protect the value of your investment – remember, the cost of issuing a Schedule of Dilapidations may be a fraction of the cost of repairs or lost rental income further down the line.
  • If the tenant doesn’t fulfil their obligations, you have a paper trail to support a claim for damages.

It’s worth noting that the Schedule of Dilapidations benefits the tenant, too:

  • They have an itemised list of what work is needed, and in the event of a dispute, the Schedule serves as a useful starting point for negotiations.
  • The tenant can get on top of maintenance issues before they become major, expensive problems. No one wants a big, unexpected repair bill at the end of their tenancy!

At Perry Hill Chartered Surveyors, we work with both landlords and tenants to resolve dilapidations claims, and provide support with all aspects of dilapidations – from conducting inspections to issuing the paperwork. Let us help you navigate this potentially difficult process with confidence.

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